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Jade can be extra sweet, and she can also be super spicy.
Jade is incredibly smart and can be incredibly affectionate.
She can be very silly and playful – with toys, and with people, when she feels safe.
Jade enjoys a lot of the simple things in life, and seems to strongly prefer the country life!
She greatly prefers her peace, quiet, and space out here in Calaveras County – she can be so incredibly happy to see her food, her person, her harness and the 20 or 30 foot long line – jumping for Jade! Seeing Jade’s signs of joy can be contagious!
Jade can have handling sensitivities, but she likes petting (a lot!), when it is on her terms – she can quickly go from “pet me!” and “more pets, please!” to “dont touch me!” - Jade is an incredible teacher of cooperative care and consent.
Jade is often incredibly expressive, and she will tell you how she feels! She is a self respecting dog who will tell someone “that’s mine!”, “stop that this second!”, and “I dont like that!”
Jade can also be so incredibly affectionate, trusting, and expressive – she often leans on my leg or sits on my foot – she has a deep ability to connect with the people that she feels safe with.
Jade can be so incredibly loving – at times she requests hugs, kisses, face nuzzles, and being connected with her person.
Jade has such a wide spectrum of strong emotions and feelings - she can be so incredibly expressive with her body language and behavior - it is such a joy to be together and decompress, out here in Calaveras County!
Jade shows a lot of signs of separation related behaviors, to the point where we can say she probably has separation anxiety from the person is attached to (currently just me, but hoping she can attach to others too!) – she will often not eat if her person is not there, and if she feels unable to get to her person, she will climb fences, multiple times, even hurting herself in the process, then with her injuries continuing to climb over multiple times – we had to suspend all absences so Jade doesn’t feel the need to be an escape artist and find me! We are working at Jade’s pace to increase the amount of time that she can be comfortable with alone time – progress can be non-linear, but Jade seems to be making some good progress – we are hopeful for Jade!
When Jade gets too excited she turns jumpy, mouthy, very puppy like – we are learning how to redirect that playful mouthy behavior towards playing tug with a rope! In addition to what seems like a severe lack of socialization it seems like Jade’s “whispers” and peaceful attempts to communicate her discomfort and fear have gone unheard for far too long – as a result, she often quickly climbs the ladder of aggression, going from a hard stare, tense mouth, to light growl, plus maybe 1 or 2 seconds of agonistic pucker (Hi Lady Jade, what nice front teeth you have!) before very quickly resorting to lunging and snapping, nipping biting, multiple times – because her growling, showing her teeth, and other less obvious attempts at communicating her anxiety, stress, discomfort, and fear have gone unheard for far too long, Jade can very quickly resort to snapping, mouthing, nipping, and biting in attempts to create distance from whatever is making her scared.
As much as she has shown how she can be so incredibly affectionate and sweet, when Jade is fearful, scared, feels unsafe, she will absolutely use her teeth to get the space she needs.
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If urgent, or if no reply within 48 hours, call or text Alex @ (650) 241-8489
Dogs do so much for us humans...
Life is short, health is temporary, time is precious...
The present moment is the youngest that anyone will ever be...
If you know of a very special dog who is struggling and want to give them a new lease on life, please contact me!
Dogs are sentient beings full of emotions and unique personalities.
Let's get to know the dog in front of you, for who they are in the present moment, and do our best to meet their individual needs - the study of one!
Ready to give a very special dog a new lease on life? Get started by sending an email to
Mailing Address: Alex Onitsuka, 3171 West Highway 12, PO Box 592, Burson, CA 95225
The Dog Decompression Center is a Low Stress Handling and Fear Free Rescue/Sanctuary
We are a registered Non-Profit Charitable Organization.
Copyright © 2024 The Dog Decompression Center - All Rights Reserved.